Crumpled Pink Roses
in my bed surrounded by darkness am I
in sleep? listen my grey matter creeps images
flow no controlling impressions mysteriously
present in a free-falling stream blindly I reach
for paper and pencil unfettered by thoughts of
tomorrow the id let loose paper flies spilling
into the night next morning did I dream what I
wrote? in dim light my hand sweeps the covers
on my chest three errant pencils point across
my blanket to a tumble of crinkled pink pages
(the only colour I now remember the corner store was selling)
how like rose petals scattered I collect finding
unreadable figures overlapping some drift into
oblivion rushing upstairs with an armful of
blossoms every step in panic each second could
mean a tragic lost line at my keyboard I try to
decipher odd abstractions in phrases in code
a surreal collection gleanings feature captured
surprises fragmented images ‘iridescent hippos laughing’
‘circles bounding’ ‘tractors in springs of graphite’ (Huh?)
my scribble lacks any trace of meaning thoughts abandoned
in a flash the genie has left me gone the magic
that brought them clear-headed but now aware of
a guarded world I’m troubled about lost
messages for humankind gone poignant slogans
gone colourful phrases oh what brilliance fills the
trash can a bouquet for the ages of crumpled pink roses
Reading from OFF THE WALL by Neil Garvie, ISBN: 9798210464040