Other Side of the Moon

OTHER SIDE OF THE MOON is a collection of poetry and prose about wonder. Every human has it – an innate curiosity to understand what makes our world, what makes the Universe, what makes us.

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Book Review – What I know of me….

Carol’s story captures the purity
and simplicity of 1945 – 1963, while also making us aware of disabilities and struggles that so often were not discussed with the same rigour as today.

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What I Know Of Me . . .

What i Know Of Me . . . is Carol Garvie’s retrospective self-discovery about growing up in the 1950s imprisoned by an inability to speak. She struggled in silence, forming misconceptions about herself that haunted her well into adult life.

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Pantoum To Une Fêtarde À Vélo

Do you know of a truck lot called ‘Chuck’s Trucks’ down by the one-horse bridge? Here is a pantoum about a party girl and a hoodie as they each make their way home after attending respective late night drinking parties. This poem is presented as a pantoum as well as partially in French for added ambiance.

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Jesus & Mary & Moses & Me

Here’s a playful piece — having fun with some familiar Biblical characters. Inserting myself
with very good company in JESUS & MARY & MOSES & ME.

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Other Side of the Moon

OTHER SIDE OF THE MOON is a collection of poetry and prose
about wonder. Every human has it – an innate curiosity to understand
what makes our world, what makes the Universe, what makes us.
True, the book is about the Moon and the far side. But it’s also about
human awareness, space exploration, science, language, art, dreams
and self-awareness.

What I Know of Me

Carol Garvie’s retrospective about growing up in the 1950s, imprisoned by an inability to speak.

She goes beyond the superficial, delving deep into those early years. She shares insights with hopes of exposing the cause of her speech impairment. The question as to why she faltered has remained a mystery — until now. Join her as she tells her story.


Neil Garvie’s fourth book of prose and poetry.

Some say there should be no humour in poetry. OFF THE WALL disputes this claim. The author warns (with tongue in cheek) that reading too much somber content can cause a myriad of life-interfering afflictions such as dreary-drabitis, ho-humdrumysm and stickinthemudica.

Fortunately, Neil has an answer. The best solution is to reach for a book of wit and humour. If you haven’t got one on your shelf, may we recommend OFF THE WALL.

other books by
n e i l   g a r v i e


JIGSAW, Neil’s third book, represents a poetic sharing by the author. Selections are from decades of piecing together his own puzzle. The book is offered to the reader in a colourful variation of poetic styles as the author describes a world of breakdown and recovery, making the reading experience in human terms, saving the reader from having to wade through psychological and medical terminology.

Mother Nature Eats Her Kind

Mother Nature Eats Her Kind is Neil’s second environmental book of poetry.

Mother Nature is pounding at our door. The question is not whether she will survive. The question is, will we?
The choice is still in our hands.

Silence Craves a Voice

Days of empire-building, while ignoring the needs of Mother Nature are gone. This poetry anthology pulls no punches, offering real images of nature which touch on the disturbing. But the book is also mindful of those whose hearts are heavy from the constant pounding by messages about human-caused destruction and irreversible damage to our natural environment. Presented in strikingly varied poetic styles and forms it is a must-read with an important message to hold strong and not lose hope.