Coming of the Zhaagnaash
Speculation by a first nations’ voice about beliefs of the strangers who are rumoured to be coming to the forest.
Earth and Thunder
Mother Nature is not just the song bird, pretty fawn and sunny weather. She is the ill-tempered badger, slimy slug, and smelly skunk cabbage. She is the range of all living things.
The Hunt
A description of single-celled creatures in a microscopic world constantly hunting and being hunted, eating and being eaten.
Merry Christmas From Carol and Neil
Happy Holidays From Our Home To Yours
Derek Peach’s Review of Mother Nature Eats Her Kind
Neil continues to draw inspiration from the natural world without indulgent sentimentality, knowing “Mother Nature has no mind /or conscience. She eats her kind,” but with a passionate conviction that he must answer the question his mentor, Chief Dan George proposes: “Have I done all that I can to keep the forest? Have I kept the air fresh as your day?”
Virtual Book Launch: Mother Nature Eats Her Kind
Mother Nature Eats Her Kind is Neil’s second environmental book of poetry. Mother Nature is pounding at our door. The question is not whether she will survive. The question is, will we? The choice is still in our hands.
Mother Nature Eats Her Kind
Mother Nature Eats Her Kind is Neil’s second environmental book of poetry.
Mother Nature is pounding at our door. The question is not whether she will survive. The question is, will we? The choice is still in our hands.
Silence Craves a Voice Launch a Great Success
On Saturday, March 30th, Bayside Cafe was filled to standing room only for Neil’s book launch of Silence Craves a Voice.
Caught like a Firefly
by Neil Garvie
Silence Craves a Voice Book Launch Saturday, March 30
The collection of poems are about Mother Nature — how she struggles without complaint and her need for advocates.
Poetry Reading Friday, March 29
Please join Neil at the Courtenay Public Library from noon until 2:00 pm on Friday, March 29th.
Comox Valley Writers Society Meeting Thursday, March 21
If you’re a member of the Comox Valley Writers Society please join the meeting at Mark R. Isfeld Secondary School 1551 Lerwick Road in Courtenay, BC.